Nearly one out of eight Americans suffer from recurring headaches or migraines. To educate the public on the reality of these painful and sometimes debilitating disorders, the American Headache & Migraine Association (AHMA) observes Migraine & Headache Awareness Month every June. While this cause may seem unrelated to dentistry, the team at my Columbia dental office want to share just how connected the two can be.
Are Sports Drinks Bad for Teeth?
When we think of drinks that are terrible for smiles, we usually automatically turn to soda. And while these sugary, carbonated beverages are absolutely bad for our teeth, there’s another type of drink that may be just as concerning. We’re talking about sports drinks, and at my Columbia dental office, we want you to know just how damaging they can actually be.
The History of Smiling in Photos
Can Your Asthma Be Causing Cavities?
Understanding Oral Cancer
Understanding Canker Sores
5 Surprising Things That Ruin Teeth
March 20th is World Oral Health Day!
Over 90% of the world’s population will suffer from some sort of oral health disease at some point in their lives. Many of which could have been avoided through proper education or supporting programs for prevention and detection. At my Columbia dental office, we believe education is the first step in fixing this epidemic...