
Is Drinking Green Beer on St. Patrick’s Day Bad for Teeth?

Is Drinking Green Beer on St. Patrick’s Day Bad for Teeth?

While the team at our dental office in Columbia is all for enjoying the day responsibly, there are a few things about beer and your dental health that you should know about...

Can Oral Health Affect Your Heart?

Can Oral Health Affect Your Heart?

February is recognized as American Heart Health Month and is designed to raise awareness of the widespread problem of heart disease in the United States. While this is certainly a valuable promotion, what does it have to do with our Columbia dental office? We’re glad you asked...

Why Dental Hygiene Visits are About More Than Clean Teeth

Why Dental Hygiene Visits are About More Than Clean Teeth

The hygienists at our dental office in Columbia are dedicated to removing plaque, flossing in between each and every tooth, and polishing your pearly whites for the ultimate clean. But your visits are about more than just getting your teeth clean. In fact, they’re about much more..

Exercise: Good for the Body, Bad for Teeth?

Exercise: Good for the Body, Bad for Teeth?

Throughout the past few years, there have been several studies that provide conflicting information on whether exercise is good or bad for your oral health. Our dental office in Columbia hopes that we can help clear up any confusion so you can get back to working out without worry.