What to Expect During a Dental Checkup

Your dentist in Columbia will tell you that regular dental checkups are essential to maintaining good oral health. But for some patients, the thought of a dental checkup can be intimidating. That's why we want to take the time to explain what to expect during a dental checkup and help alleviate any anxiety or uncertainty you may have.

Step 1: Medical History Review 

At the beginning of your dental checkup, your dentist in Columbia will review your medical history to gain a better understanding of any existing medical conditions or medications that may affect your dental health. This information will help us provide the best possible care for your individual needs.

Step 2: Visual Examination 

Next, your dental team will perform a visual examination of your teeth and gums. They will look for any signs of tooth decay, gum disease, or other oral health issues. This is also a good opportunity to discuss any concerns or questions you may have about your dental health.

Step 3: X-rays 

In some cases, your dental professional may recommend taking X-rays to get a more detailed look at your teeth and jawbone. X-rays can help identify issues that may not be visible during a visual examination, such as cavities or bone loss. They are safe, low-radiation images that can give us a closer look at what’s going on under the surface of your teeth. 

Step 4: Cleaning 

After the visual examination and X-rays (if necessary), it's time for a cleaning. Your dental hygienist will use special tools to gently remove any plaque or tartar buildup from your teeth. They will also polish your teeth to remove any surface stains and make them shine.

Step 5: Oral Cancer Screening 

During your dental checkup, your dental professional will also perform an oral cancer screening. This involves a visual examination of your mouth, lips, and throat to check for any signs of cancer or other abnormalities.

Step 6: Education and Prevention 

Finally, your dentist in Columbia will provide education and prevention tips to help you maintain good oral health. This may include tips on brushing and flossing, diet and nutrition, and other oral health practices.

Regular dental checkups are essential to maintaining good oral health. Our team of experienced dental professionals will guide you through the process and provide personalized care to meet your individual needs. At our dental office, we understand that dental checkups can be intimidating for some patients. That's why we strive to create a welcoming and friendly environment for all of our patients. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized care that meets the unique needs of each individual patient.

If you're due for a dental checkup, don't hesitate to contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Accepting patients from Columbia, Ellicott City, Howard County, and nearby areas. 

The Connection between Oral Health and Heart Disease

Did you know that your oral health can have a significant impact on your heart health? Several studies have shown a link between poor oral health and heart disease, making it essential to maintain good oral hygiene habits. With this in mind, your dentist in Columbia wants to help you understand the connection between oral health and heart disease and what you can do to protect your overall health.

The Link between Oral Health and Heart Disease

Poor oral health can lead to the buildup of harmful bacteria in the mouth, which can cause inflammation and infections. Inflammation can then spread to other parts of the body, including the arteries. When this happens, it can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular problems.

One study found that individuals with severe gum disease were twice as likely to suffer from coronary artery disease than those with healthy gums. Other studies have linked poor oral health to high blood pressure, clogged arteries, and even heart attacks.

Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene Habits

To protect your oral health and reduce the risk of heart disease, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene habits. This includes:

  1. Brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste

  2. Flossing at least once a day to remove plaque and food particles

  3. Using mouthwash to kill bacteria and freshen breath

  4. Visiting your dentist in Columbia for regular checkups and cleanings

Additionally, it is important to maintain a healthy diet and avoid sugary and acidic foods and drinks that can erode tooth enamel and promote the growth of harmful bacteria.

Other Steps to Protect Your Heart Health

In addition to maintaining good oral hygiene habits, there are other steps you can take to protect your heart health and your oral health, such as:

  1. Quitting smoking or using tobacco products

  2. Managing stress levels through meditation, exercise, or other stress-reduction techniques

  3. Maintaining a healthy weight through regular exercise and a balanced diet

  4. Getting enough sleep to promote overall health and well-being

By taking these steps, you can reduce your risk of heart disease and improve your overall health and well-being.

Your dentist in Columbia is committed to helping patients maintain good oral health and overall health. If you have any concerns about your oral health or would like to schedule a checkup and cleaning, please contact us today.

Welcoming new patients from Columbia, Ellicott City, Howard County, and nearby areas.

Seasonal Allergies & Oral Health

If you or members of your family have been itching, sniffling, and sneezing lately, allergies may be to blame. In fact, a recent study shows that allergies may be starting earlier and be more severe than ever before. This could mean that more and more people are experiencing the side effects of high pollen counts, which is unpleasant in and of itself. But your dentist in Columbia also wants you to know that allergies can also cause the body to react in such a way that could increase the risk for cavities and other dental problems. 

Mucky Mucus & Mouth Breathing

We’ve all experienced the surge of mucky mucus thanks to seasonal allergies. No matter how unpleasant this feeling is, it’s important to know that it’s a natural response. When we come in contact with an allergen, the body will overproduce mucus, which in turn will cause a stuffy nose. This can make it hard to breathe properly out of the nose, causing us to breathe from the mouth. While the intake of oxygen is sure to please the body, the mouth may disagree. 

Why is Mouth Breathing a Bad Thing? 

While allergies themselves don’t necessarily directly cause oral health problems, the symptoms can, such as mouth breathing due to a buildup of mucus and a stuffy nose. When we breathe out of our mouths instead of our noses, our mouths dry out faster than normal. Dry mouth is caused by a lack of saliva, and a healthy mouth needs saliva in order to stay healthy. Without it, bad bacteria can linger around and cause bad breath, wear away at protective tooth enamel, cause cavities, and can even result in gum disease. Additionally, and not necessarily related to allergies, mouth breathing while sleeping can be a sign of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can cause someone to stop breathing during sleep, sometimes several times a night. Signs of mouth breathing that should be reported to your dentist in Columbia include snoring and abrupt awakenings. 

Tooth Pain

As if the overproduction of mucus potentially contributing to cavities concerns wasn’t enough, this mucus can also cause pain. An excessive amount of mucus can put pressure on the sinuses, which you may feel in your face or head. But this pressure can also extend to the maxillary sinuses, a nearby neighbor to the roots and nerves of the back teeth. When the maxillary sinuses are inflamed, it can put pressure on those nearby tooth nerves and cause discomfort. 

Allergy Medicine Can Help… And Hurt

Anyone suffering from allergies, or who has a child dealing with the symptoms, will often turn to allergy medication to alleviate the uncomfortable side effects of a flare-up. While these medications can relieve some of the stuffiness, itchiness, and drippiness, they too can sometimes cause dry mouth. But lucky for you, your dentist in Columbia knows a few tricks that can reduce the likelihood of experiencing negative side effects of dry mouth, such as: 

  • Chewing sugar-free gum

  • Using lubricating mouthwash

  • Drinking water

  • Sleeping with a humidifier in your bedroom

Allergy season can feel neverending, but we’re here to help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. 

Welcoming new patients from Columbia, Ellicott City, Howard County, and nearby areas. 

World Oral Health Day 2023

Each and every year on March 20th, the FDI World Dental Federation sponsors World Oral Health Day with the mission of “empowering people with the knowledge, tools, and confidence to secure good oral health.” Oral health is often considered secondary to overall health, but the truth is, oral health diseases are a major health concern. In fact, numerous studies show a link between oral health and overall health, such as a connection between gum disease and heart disease, respiratory disease, some cancers, and diabetic issues. However, most oral health conditions can be prevented and treated successfully in their early stages. This is one reason why your dentist in Columbia is committed to sharing information about how you can protect your mouth and your body.

How Common Are Oral Health Problems?

Unfortunately, an estimated 90% of the world’s population will develop at least one oral health disease during their lifetime. But most of these problems can be avoided through proper hygiene, regular checkups, and education. That’s why an awareness day like World Oral Health Day is so important. By dedicating time to raising awareness of how common dental problems are, and educating people on how they could have been avoided, we can work together to decrease the prevalence of dental disease and improve oral health and overall health. 

Recognizing the Signs of Mouth Problems

One of the key aspects of World Oral Health Day is to educate the public on oral health and what to look out for in order to catch a problem early. The truth is, many mouth problems show early warning signs, and noticing concerns and seeking care early can mean more successful treatment. Some common signs of a mouth problem include: 

  • Gum, tooth, or jaw pain

  • Cold sores

  • Bleeding gums

  • Loose or lost teeth

  • Recurring bad breath

If you notice any of these signs, call your dentist in Columbia as soon as possible as it may be a sign of something serious. 

How to Lower Your Risk of Oral Health Complications

There are several ways you can lower your risk of developing oral health problems in the first place. 

  • See your dentist in Columbia at least twice a year

  • Brush and floss your teeth every day

  • Limit your intake of sugary foods and beverages

  • Stop smoking or using other types of tobacco

  • Share medication and health history with your dentist as some can have side effects that may increase the likelihood of certain oral health problems

Oral health is a key part of healthcare, and you should do everything you can to protect your smile and your body against dangerous diseases. Find resources for yourself and help spread the word by visiting WorldOralHealthDay.org

Serving patients from Columbia, Ellicott City, Howard County, and nearby areas.

Gum Disease & Gastrointestinal Cancers

According to the CDC, nearly 50% of adults over the age of 30 have some form of gum disease, and your dentist in Columbia wants you to know that this is nothing to take lightly. Gum disease is a serious condition that has been connected to an increased risk of developing both oral and overall health problems such as tooth loss, heart disease, and stroke. But there’s even more. A new study conducted by the American Academy for Cancer Research shows a potential link between gum disease and gastrointestinal cancers, including colon cancer.

The Link Between Gum Disease and GI Cancer 

The survey from the American Academy for Cancer Research followed over 40,000 men and women for more than a decade, monitoring their health, diets, and results of their colonoscopies. Researchers focused on two types of intestinal lesions that are often precursors to developing colon cancer –  serrated polyps and conventional adenomas – as well as patients’ oral health. While it may seem odd to study gut health in relation to oral health, the results were interesting. 

  • Patients studied were 17% more likely to have a serrated polyp if there was also a history of gum disease.

  • Researchers saw an 11% increased risk of having a conventional adenoma if a history of gum disease was also present.

  • Participants who lost more than four teeth, a common side effect of gum disease, had a 20% increased risk of having a serrated polyp.

While these survey results certainly seem to point to a correlation between gum disease and colon cancer, researchers say that more studies are needed.

How Can You Tell If You Have Gum Disease?

Gum disease can be treated and cured if it’s detected in its early stages. This is why it’s so important to see your dentist in Columbia twice a year for regular checkups. Early detection is key to treating gum disease effectively before it has a chance to cause bigger oral health or overall health problems. Some tell-tale signs of gum disease may include: 

  • Bad breath or bad taste that doesn’t go away

  • Red or swollen gums

  • Tender or bleeding gums

  • Painful chewing

  • Loose teeth

  • Sensitive teeth

  • Gum recession

If you experience any of these symptoms, schedule an appointment with your dentist in Columbia as soon as possible to get treatment. 

Preventing Gum Disease 

There are several ways to protect yourself from developing gum disease, including:

  • Brushing your teeth twice a day

  • Flossing daily

  • Quitting smoking 

  • Seeing your dentist in Columbia at least every six months

However, it’s important to know that genetics, age, and certain medications can also impact the risk of developing gum disease. Make sure to mention all health conditions and medications to your dentist at every appointment. 

Welcoming new patients from Columbia, Ellicott City, Howard County, and nearby areas. 

2023 National Children’s Dental Health Month

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, a public health event brought to us by the American Dental Association (ADA). The purpose of this month-long celebration is to bring parents, caregivers, teachers, and healthcare providers like your dentist in Columbia together to raise awareness of the importance of proper oral hygiene and dental care in children. The theme for 2023 is Brush, Floss, Smile!, and there are tons of ways you can help make dental care more fun for the children in your life. 

“Brush, Floss, Smile!”

This year’s slogan is Brush, Floss, Smile! helps both kids and caregivers learn just how important it is for kids to brush their teeth regularly as well as floss in between each and every tooth. To help, ADA has put together fun, interactive games and activities to make learning about dental care fun for kids. Head on over the ADA website and download all sorts of free educational tools including coloring sheets, crossword puzzles, and a calendar to keep track of brushing habits. 

How Should Kids Brush & Floss?

Brushing and flossing tiny teeth are important, but your dentist in Columbia will also encourage you to make sure your little ones are doing them correctly. Developing proper technique and a solid routine will help children throughout their lives.. 

Proper Brushing

Kids and adults should brush their teeth twice a day, once when you wake up in the morning and once before bed at night. Use the following techniques: 

  • Angle the toothbrush against the gum line at a 45-degrees

  • Gently scrub teeth using small circles with the brush

  • Brush all surfaces of each tooth and up under the gums

  • Brush the tongue from back to front

A thorough brushing should take about two minutes. Don’t shy away from humming songs or finding two-minute brushing videos to turn a habit into a fun activity. 

Proper Flossing

It’s just as important for kids to floss once a day as it is for adults, and little ones should start flossing whenever they have two teeth that touch each other. But like brushing, flossing requires a specific technique, and it can be hard for kids. The best way to floss is to gently wiggle the floss in between each tooth and curve it up under the gums. You can try traditional floss but you may have more success with a floss pick.

While brushing and flossing are crucial for all smiles, maintaining visits to your dentist in Columbia is also necessary. Schedule an appointment today! 

Accepting new patients from Columbia, Ellicott City, Howard County, and nearby areas.