Have you been waking up for years with a sore jaw and you write it off as getting older or simply deal with it? Your dentist in Columbia can reassure you that teeth grinding is more common than you might think.
Things are heating up, and we know how exciting it can be to get out and travel to experience all that the gorgeous summer season has to offer us. Your Columbia dentist is excited too…
There’s nothing quite like the feeling of just-brushed teeth, and your dentist in Columbia recommends that all patients brush their teeth two times a day and floss…
Preventive dental appointments can keep problems from popping up unexpectedly and reduce the need for quick, emergency dental care. But if you do experience a dental problem, how do you know if you need to see a dentist or not?
The hygienists at our dental office in Columbia are dedicated to removing plaque, flossing in between each and every tooth, and polishing your pearly whites for the ultimate clean. But your visits are about more than just getting your teeth clean. In fact, they’re about much more..
Throughout the past few years, there have been several studies that provide conflicting information on whether exercise is good or bad for your oral health. Our dental office in Columbia hopes that we can help clear up any confusion so you can get back to working out without worry.
You don’t need your dentist in Columbia to tell you that you shouldn’t put your hands in your mouth because they’re usually loaded with germs and bacteria. Your nails are no different...
If you’ve ever been to your dentist in Columbia and experienced several gentle pokes to your gums followed by hearing some numbers, you’ve had what’s called a periodontal charting....
As we near the end of April, which just so happens to be Oral Cancer Awareness Month, the team at our Columbia dental office thought we should talk a bit about the oral health concerns associated with smokeless tobacco...
We understand that many patients aren't exactly sure what a frenectomy is and why one may be needed. So we’d like to cover the basics to help all of our patients stay properly informed.