Have you been waking up for years with a sore jaw and you write it off as getting older or simply deal with it? Your dentist in Columbia can reassure you that teeth grinding is more common than you might think.
Things are heating up, and we know how exciting it can be to get out and travel to experience all that the gorgeous summer season has to offer us. Your Columbia dentist is excited too…
There’s nothing quite like the feeling of just-brushed teeth, and your dentist in Columbia recommends that all patients brush their teeth two times a day and floss…
Preventive dental appointments can keep problems from popping up unexpectedly and reduce the need for quick, emergency dental care. But if you do experience a dental problem, how do you know if you need to see a dentist or not?
It’s quite common to be afraid of the dentist as between 30 and 40 million people report dental fear. At our dental office in Columbia, we want everyone to know that there are ways to overcome this fear through sedation dentistry…
The team at our dental office in Columbia want to help encourage men to keep up with their dental care to help avoid serious oral health and overall health problems.
While brushing your teeth may seem like a pretty simple task, there are a few tips our dental office in Columbia wants to share with you to make sure you’re getting the best clean possible so that you can keep your whole body healthy.
This April, our dental office in Columbia wants to raise awareness by educating our community on the risks and signs of oral cancer, as well as what you can do to reduce your risk of getting it.
While the team at our dental office in Columbia is all for enjoying the day responsibly, there are a few things about beer and your dental health that you should know about...
February is recognized as American Heart Health Month and is designed to raise awareness of the widespread problem of heart disease in the United States. While this is certainly a valuable promotion, what does it have to do with our Columbia dental office? We’re glad you asked...
When we think of things that cause cavities, we typically imagine a diet packed full of sugary sweet treats. But our dental office in Columbia wants you to know that eating a lot of sugar isn’t the only thing that increases your risk of developing cavities...
At our dental office in Columbia, we don’t want anyone to shy away from those kissable moments because of bad breath embarrassment, so we’re here to help!